Your Semester So Far

This semester has been very intense and full of learning. I have had good and bad moments. I still can't manage to organize my time for university work with my personal activities, such as training, playing and spending time with the people I love.

Your favorite classes.

This semester I haven't had any favorite classes, but I do feel that the ones in which I learn the most are in the Morphology, Structure and Materialization course and Workshop 4: Integration of Project Variables. The material and the assignments are close to my interests and what I like about the degree. In the Workshop course it has been difficult for me to do well, I hope to be able to improve in the rest of the semester.

Classes that you don't enjoy.

There are two courses that I don't enjoy as much. I learn, yes, but they don't attract my attention. They are courses in which I do what they ask of me and that's it.

How you manage your time.

These last few months, I have been improving my organization. This year I have tried a lot of routines or ways of organizing time. A lot of trial and error, it has been hard for me to put aside other things that are part of my life, I have had to define responsibilities and priorities. I also hope to continue improving and hopefully reach a point where I can balance everything in a healthy and responsible way.

Why you do in your free time.

In my free time I like to spend time with my girlfriend, train, play, go out and be with my family. My perfect day is to train or play, be with my girlfriend and go out at night; I take it as a shot of happiness and recharge of energy.

The highlights of the semester so far.

I think that what I highlight the most from this semester; beyond the knowledge and education that the degree gives you with respect to architectural concepts, which I value very much and I am very happy to learn from it. What I highlight the most is the personal growth and life experience that the university gives me, part of my life and the person that I am, I am defining it in this stage, the university stage. I'm sure that what I will highlight the most in one or two years will be my projects or my work that I do during my degree, but now being my second year, the most significant thing is the life experience.


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